Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Spring has arrived and this the arrival of a new blogger site that may actually be maintained, (shocking, I know.) Although I must say, spring has been odd ranging in temperatures from 3 - 31 degrees Celsius. I figured it's be a good time to start my blogger site back up. Posting works of writing, rants, current issues, and just exciting things.

I'm going to try to keep this up to date as much as possible. But no promises, life is busy. Anyways...

Today we had one of 'em 10 minutes severe thunderstorms. It was one of those "wtf?" moments because basically it arrived with heavy rain and wind. But now it's all done and it's cooled off and peaceful. Weird. That's total contrast from this morning / early afternoon. Me, Dani and Audra were walking from the mall and it was still windy but warm and the sun was shining and the sky was clear as a bell. 'Cept it was stupid hot.

On another hot note, casting came out for Alice in Wonderland at Original Kids! I got cast as the Mad Hatter! I'm so excitied, it's the biggest role I've ever gotten in a musical. Woohoo! Not that I'm excited or anything. And on another very hot note, OK Go is releasing a new album this summer. Thank you music lords.

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