Tuesday, April 28, 2009


There are three things that really bother me.
1) People who tell other's they can't do something.
2) People who tell people their goals are impossible.
3) People who won't accept help from anyone and continue to complain they can't do it because they've TOLD themselves and CONVINCED themselves they can't.

And all three of these things have come up in the past week or two for me (even two of them today!)

Issue One: People who tell other people they can't do something.
I hate this. This is almost like saying you can read a mind. Just today my friend was all, "I'm going to teach you guys how to mix paint, because you guys will be screwed next year." I know how to mix paint, so I tell them and they're all "No you can't." and I say I can and they just keep telling me I can't. This is a wtf moment. Seriously, you're capable of telling me I don't know how to mix paint just because I've never taken an art course? Suddenly because you're going to an art college means I know nothing.
I would like to make reference to the lovely piece of art currently sitting on my wall. I had to make water colours out of the extra thick acrilics and I had to mix colours so they would match an original sketch.
You know what that means?! I can mix paint.
That's why I hate when people tell you that you're incapable of something that you know you can and insist you can't. Kind of brings you down.

Issue 2: People who tell people their goals are impossible.
I'm talking people who say, "Don't bother trying, you're not good enough." This happened to me twice now. I'm dream to go into music. Both my private lesson teachers have told me I probably wouldn't be able to.
Those are the people you say "Screw you" to and try anyways. Especially when it's based on something stupid.
Me, my sister and my friend have all been told we couldn't go into music because we weren't good enough. Yet, my sister having not played in YEARS goes to a NEW music teacher after already going through uni and now has a teaching job is told ,"Why didn't you go into music?"

And the third is just, don't complain that you can't do something and keep telling yourself you can't. Cause nothing will get fixed. *COUGHstupidchickinvocalsCOUGH*

Anyways, aside from these issues, life is good. I'm leaving for New York next Thursday, I'm super excited!

Anyways, I just needed to rant. Tata for now.

1 comment:

  1. ooo new york sounds fun *o*

    yeah, all those things annoy me too -_-; just hearing that your friends said that makes me feel annoyed, lol.
