Thursday, April 30, 2009

Baby Jesus

I don't mean to offend anyone by this! But this is an interesting joke that's evolved between my friends!

SO! Basically two nights ago (So... Tuesday Night!) I had this REALLY trippy dream. First, I was pregnant. Not so trippy, there's been a lot of pregnancy talk IRL between my english teacher and a couple french novel's we're reading. Anyways, it was trippy cause I was like.. a month and a half pregnant but I had this stomach. Like you could tell! It was a really weird dream! And I hadn't had sex so I was all "I can't be pregnant, this is impossible!"

So, I told my friends about this dream and the IMMEDIATE reaction is, "Toni, you're the virgin Mary! YOU'RE GOING TO GIVE BIRTH TO BABY JESUS!" And they all touched my stomach and it was weird. Anyways. Today CZ made the joke again and she was like, rubbing my stomach and it was super awkward. And Audra did too, but then WORST OF ALL. CHRIS walks by and CJ points at him because he's stopped in mid walk with the "WTF" look on his face. Priceless.
So we're all, "It's a joke about a weird dream" but he just walked away with this look of "omg" on his face.
In hind sight, we decided saying, "It's exactly what you think it is." would have been more fun. But whatever~ XD
Anyways, That's an interesting tid bit of my life. Along with how Ian definitely almost choked on a whopper three times today and we had laughing fits that even the music teacher's couldn't handle XD

In other new, NEW YORK IN ONE WEEK! Hopefully they don't cancel it because of the new strand of Influenza. Poo, it's stupid
I'm making cupcakes this weekend for my vocal teacher, it's his birthday on Monday XD I might post pictures if they turn out to be cute!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


There are three things that really bother me.
1) People who tell other's they can't do something.
2) People who tell people their goals are impossible.
3) People who won't accept help from anyone and continue to complain they can't do it because they've TOLD themselves and CONVINCED themselves they can't.

And all three of these things have come up in the past week or two for me (even two of them today!)

Issue One: People who tell other people they can't do something.
I hate this. This is almost like saying you can read a mind. Just today my friend was all, "I'm going to teach you guys how to mix paint, because you guys will be screwed next year." I know how to mix paint, so I tell them and they're all "No you can't." and I say I can and they just keep telling me I can't. This is a wtf moment. Seriously, you're capable of telling me I don't know how to mix paint just because I've never taken an art course? Suddenly because you're going to an art college means I know nothing.
I would like to make reference to the lovely piece of art currently sitting on my wall. I had to make water colours out of the extra thick acrilics and I had to mix colours so they would match an original sketch.
You know what that means?! I can mix paint.
That's why I hate when people tell you that you're incapable of something that you know you can and insist you can't. Kind of brings you down.

Issue 2: People who tell people their goals are impossible.
I'm talking people who say, "Don't bother trying, you're not good enough." This happened to me twice now. I'm dream to go into music. Both my private lesson teachers have told me I probably wouldn't be able to.
Those are the people you say "Screw you" to and try anyways. Especially when it's based on something stupid.
Me, my sister and my friend have all been told we couldn't go into music because we weren't good enough. Yet, my sister having not played in YEARS goes to a NEW music teacher after already going through uni and now has a teaching job is told ,"Why didn't you go into music?"

And the third is just, don't complain that you can't do something and keep telling yourself you can't. Cause nothing will get fixed. *COUGHstupidchickinvocalsCOUGH*

Anyways, aside from these issues, life is good. I'm leaving for New York next Thursday, I'm super excited!

Anyways, I just needed to rant. Tata for now.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Don't Know You - Song

Song I wrote, inspired from someone's Facebook Status:

I’m staring into photos
Of the best times of my life
And I wonder who I’m standing next to
And holding tight
I realize that it’s you
Or what you used to be
My best friend, my last hope
Just how I wanted you to be.

I don’t know you anymore
And it hurts me.
I don’t talk to you no more,
And it kills me.
I wish that I could tell you
Exactly who you were so you could see
It’s not just me.

The way you talk is different
Don’t great me in the hall
All your old friends see it
As we gossip down the hall
It’s all his fault
His slang and slurs
Have changed you for the better
Or maybe the worst.
But there’s one thing for sure

I don’t know you anymore
And it hurts me.
I don’t talk to you no more,
And it kills me.
I wish that I could tell you
Exactly who you were so you could see
It’s not just me.

Because I look in the photos and I scream
Because you and me were happy before this misery
We were closer than a knot
We were sewn to each other
But then something happened
And you ripped the seams
And you kill our dreams
And now I don’t know who you are.
And I wish that you could see
Through those fogged eyes you constantly look through
Because it’s lonely everyday
When you’re not standing beside me
My best friend forever
Or no more.
My best friend forever
Or no more.

‘Cause I don’t know you anymore
And it hurts me.
‘Cause I don’t talk to you no more,
And it kills me.

And I wish that you could see
Just what you’ve done to me each day
Since you closed yourself away
And pretend it was fake

Your friends and me are sitting at the wall
We’re gossiping just down the hall.
Cause we just can’t believe
That we don’t know you, anymore.
No we don’t know you, anymore.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Spring has arrived and this the arrival of a new blogger site that may actually be maintained, (shocking, I know.) Although I must say, spring has been odd ranging in temperatures from 3 - 31 degrees Celsius. I figured it's be a good time to start my blogger site back up. Posting works of writing, rants, current issues, and just exciting things.

I'm going to try to keep this up to date as much as possible. But no promises, life is busy. Anyways...

Today we had one of 'em 10 minutes severe thunderstorms. It was one of those "wtf?" moments because basically it arrived with heavy rain and wind. But now it's all done and it's cooled off and peaceful. Weird. That's total contrast from this morning / early afternoon. Me, Dani and Audra were walking from the mall and it was still windy but warm and the sun was shining and the sky was clear as a bell. 'Cept it was stupid hot.

On another hot note, casting came out for Alice in Wonderland at Original Kids! I got cast as the Mad Hatter! I'm so excitied, it's the biggest role I've ever gotten in a musical. Woohoo! Not that I'm excited or anything. And on another very hot note, OK Go is releasing a new album this summer. Thank you music lords.