Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Back from New York! Busy School!

Actually, I was back from New York a while ago, I've just been sick and busy XD

So, New York was FABULOUS. Actually one of the most amazing places ever. I'm going to give day overviews of the trip, because I'll just ramble forever if I don't.

Day One was mostly driving. I mean, from London to New York isn't exactly close ESPECIALLY if you need to stop in Niagara Falls on the way. We played a concert in this really amazing elementary school. Like, it's bigger than my high school for sure! They had ELEVATOR's and not just the kind we have for people in wheelchairs, nope. Actually fancy elevators and flat screen monitor's in their computer labs. I bet their computer labs don't over heat in the summer because they're hunky rock monitor's are left on. Poo. Unfortunately I had lost my voice and I had to sing top alto in the small choir, BY MYSELF. Because my partner didn't go on the trip. That was bad... But overall , a good concert. After that we preceeded to spend the rest of the day driving. Which was epic. Me and my friends played cards. We got to Jersey City (were our hotel was) around 10 that evening. It was pretty epic.

Day Two! This was like, epic tourist day. We had a four hour tour in the morning on our bus (it was step on, step off) so it was pretty cool. We had this SUPER funny tour guide. He made everything awesome XD. Then we went on the ferry and went by the statue of liberty. It was super cool. We stopped at Ellis Island and went to this museum about American Immigration... I personally thought it was annoying and decided to spend time outside. It was a beautiful day. Then we went back on the ferry. WHICH I hate. Not when they're moving, but when they're rocking and they're docked, I really hate boats. Grrr. Except paddle boats, those are cool. That evening we went to see Mahler's 3rd Symphony in D Minor. WHICH WAS POSSIBLY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THINK EVER. Me and my friends couldn't stop talking about how beautiful it was.

And here's where the adventure started.

It's 10pm and the symphony has finished. Cool, right? So my teacher decides that she REALLY wants icecream. So we walk three blocks down the street in downtown Manhattan and we go to an icecream vendor. Please note that I AM lactose intolerant. But I REALLY wanted icecream. SO I had to take like... 6 pills so I could eat it. And it was awesome... Anyways, so we go back to meet the buses at Carnegie Hall and you know what ARN'T there?
The buses. That's right. So we figure that it's no biggy, we'll just wait because maybe they're stuck in traffic. So we wait.... and we wait... and we wait. And it's 11:30 and there are STILL no buses. They sent one girl back to the hotel with a chaperone in a taxi because she was sick that night. And then we all waited. That's when the teacher's made their decision.
"Since the buses don't appear to be showing up. We've decided to give you the true New York experience. We're taking, the subway."
At this point I screamed I was so excited. Now. This is the funny part.
Please note, there were 75 students waiting outside the hall. And 9 chaperones. That's what, 84 people. Now getting those all on the subway at once and getting off at once.
Hoe mans. This was funny.
So we got on the first subway for free. It was awesome, they were super nice when we explained waht had happened. So we get on the subway and we're split over 2 cars. My car, decides to get off, because we thought that we were supposed to. Even the teachers did. Only to have another chaperone yell, "NO, GET BACK ON! WE'RE NOT GETTING OFF"
That was scary shit, lemme tell yea. We all made it back on before the subway left. Thank GOD.
We got off two stops later with all chaperones and students still with us. We waited about another half hour before we found out what we needed to do next. We had to take the PATH train, which runs between NY and NJ. We walked over to Penn station and waited. They actually HELD the train for us, and then cleared and entire car. It was awesome. They were super nice, NY transit I mean. We met some really racist people, who were totally anti-canadian. But whatever.
We got back to the hotel at 1am.

Day Three, we were supposed to do NBC tours, but it ended up we were late because of the night before and we all slept in. So only one group went and everyone else was given 2 1/2 hours to shop in TIME SQUARE NEW YORK. Which was great. There's an M & Ms store. Three stories of M&Ms stuff. Whoa. It was crazy. We also went to the Phantom of Broadway which is a NYC tourism stop. After that, we all met up and went to a NY Mets game where they were playing the Pirates (of some city I don't remember). The Mets totally kicked ass XD It was pretty good. I thought I wouldn't enjoy it but I really did! Then we went for a super yummy meal at a chinese restaurant! They made us a special banquet meal! Unfortunately my friends were tools and totally didn't save me a spot so I had to sit at the reject table. But it was cool cause I spent the evening talking to Julia, who I havn't really talked to that much.
IT WAS AMAZING. I was speechless about it. Just speechless.
... =D

Day Four, we packed up to come home. We stopped at an outlet mall where I bought a pair of 70$ shoes for 13. And this really awesome bag.
The rest of the day was driving, we got home around 9.

Overall it was a very exciting trip! I REALLY hope I can go back again. It was amazing! (Minus the smog.)

Anyways, school is getting busy. I have independant study projects for like...everything. It sucks. On top of that I'm practicing for my piano exam.
I'll try to keep on top of updating! I'm super behind in french class because I ended up missing 4.5 days of school (half a day before New York because of illness, two days for new york because we went over the weekend and monday and tuesday because I was still sick xD) I wasn't going to let being sick stop my trip! So I was super sick on Monday xD.

Some really sad stuff happened at school too. And really happy stuff.
But see, I have this teacher. She's amazing, and she's currently married to another teacher at our school (they're actually both female! which is awesome!) and she recently told us she was pregnant. She had to have gone through a lot to get pregnant. and you know how they say pregnant women shine? She was glowing, like, super glowing. She was just SO happy.
I got back on Wednesday last week and she wasn't there. She was at a Rugby game (her wife coaches). Then she was gone Thursday. We figured maybe she was sick. I hade questions about a project and realy needed and extention. I planned on asking her the following morning, before school.
She wasn't there. And my only hope was "just let there be nothing wrong with the baby."
We got to fourth period, which is my class with her. A student stands up and says she has an announcement. She wanted an extention so she left a message for her with her phone number.
My teacher called her that evening and said it could be handed in on Tuesday (because it was a long weekend.) and that she hadn't been there because she had a miscarriage.
I was crushed, in fact, I wanted to cry. I didn't have words to describe how I felt. I just couldn't believe it. She must have been crushed, she was just SO HAPPY.
She still hasn't been at school, but her wife said she might be there tomorrow. So I'm hoping.
We made her a card, and all signed it. I'm just hoping she tries again, because.... she was just glowing, she was so excited.
And actually, I wanted to cry. My entire class just didn't know what to say.
IT was just whoa....

I just had to say it, I've been bundling it up inside because It's just so sad to talk about ;_;

On a much happier note, the school year is almost done! although I hate summer vacation, I have big plans.
My show runs in late july/august outside in the rotery reading garden. Alice, where I'm the Mad Hatter, I'm so excited! I'm goign to be spending lots of time with my sister too, and maybe I'll go to camp.
Then it's all uni prep. Ugh.

I'm off fornow, I should probably try to catch up on work.

(and whoa, my typos just got worse the longer i typed.(

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New York!

So, I leave for new york tomorrow :)
With the music department, it kinda sucks because it's supposed to rain the whole time. But that's okay! We're seeing Mahler's Third Symphony and Phantom of the Opera!
So I'm going to be gone Thursday through Sunday night.

It's getting warmer, there are so many bugs. Gugh, I hate bugs.
They're just so...icky.

I don't actually have much to say right now, but I'll be sure to talk all about my trip when I get back!